“Unnatural Selection” is a gripping music video created for the band Crowheart, focusing on the political theme of war and the devastating impact it has on countless lives. This video powerfully portrays the chaos and suffering resulting from conflict, using intense visuals to underscore the song’s urgent message.
Produced in collaboration with the collective [ a r t e f v k k t ], we shot the video in one day at the Prontolux studio in Graz. The video combines high-energy performance footage with striking visual overlays that depict the horrors of war and the pervasive fear it engenders.
The performance video is enhanced with dramatic visuals that serve to highlight the emotional and political gravity of the song. Through a combination of evocative imagery and powerful music, “Unnatural Selection” vividly captures the tragedy and urgency of the global conflict, making a bold statement about the human cost of war.